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The preschool curriculum is based upon the Arkansas Frameworks for three and four-year-old children.

We offer a well-balanced program focusing on the spiritual, academic, social, and physical development of each child in a Christ-centered environment.

  • Religious formation is taught daily with preschoolers attending weekly Mass each Friday beginning the Second Semester with our elementary school children at 9 a.m. The fourth and fifth graders are the preschooler’s buddies during Mass and other events throughout the year.

  • Our preschoolers experience a thematic-based literary curriculum with an emphasis in math preparation to help make the transition from preschool to kindergarten smoother.

  • Children are exposed to science and social studies lessons.

  • They participate in art, music, Spanish, physical education, technology, as well as, visiting the school library for storytime.

  • The children experience guided activities, free-choice play with several centers, and a wide variety of hands-on materials to discover.


For further information regarding our preschool program, please call our school office at 479-782-0614.



18 month – 4-Year-Old Attendance Days



OPTIONS               DAYS                                   TIMES                          

Two Days Only     Based on Availability     7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Three Days Only  Based on Availability     7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Five Full Days      Monday to Friday           7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Five Extended     Monday to Friday           7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.




Children who will attain the age of 5 years old on or before September 1st may enter kindergarten at Christ the King Catholic School. The kindergarten program is rich in literacy as teachers focus on print awareness, phonological awareness, comprehension, fluency, listening, speaking, alphabet knowledge, sight words, author studies, as well as lots of journal writing and writing prompts. Math instruction includes number sense and operations, geometry, measurement, graphing, patterns, and problem-solving. Teachers encourage children in appropriate work habits and social behaviors. Kindergarten students attend art, computer lab, library, music, physical education, and Spanish instruction weekly. Religion is taught daily and our kindergartners sit with their 5th-grade guardian angels at Mass each Friday. Our small class size is a plus. The teacher-to-student ratio is 1:15 most years.


Curriculum First – Fifth Grades


Christ the King Catholic School follows the Diocese of Little Rock Curriculum Guidelines regarding basic materials, specific courses, and time allotments. A planned instructional program leads to discovering and developing the abilities of each individual student.


Christ the King offers a balanced curriculum including religion, language arts (English, reading, literature, phonics, oral and written communication, handwriting, spelling), science, mathematics (Math-Olympiads 4th-5th), social studies (history, geography, civics, economics, Arkansas History), library, art, music, physical education, Spanish, technology and such electives as deemed practical and helpful.




All students attend Mass together each Friday morning beginning at 9 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation that fall on a school day are celebrated at 9 a.m. Preschool children do not attend school Mass until Second Semester. Students in first through fifth grade rotate leading the Mass each Friday. We post the grade designated to represent our Mass readings on the school’s Google Calendar on the days Mass is scheduled. The children’s choir always sings at the school Masses.


The sacramental life of the children of the Catholic tradition is an important component of the religion program at Christ the King Catholic School. Preparations for two sacraments, Reconciliation and Eucharist, are the core of our efforts. In accordance with the Diocesan guidelines, candidates for First Eucharist will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation prior to their First Eucharist. Parents are required to be active partners in the preparation of their children for these sacraments. Parents and children will attend a Reconciliation Retreat during the fall semester and children will attend a First Communion Retreat during the spring semester. There is one mandatory meeting parents will attend in the spring semester. The sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are only conferred to baptized students.

Quick Links

Church Address

Trinity Catholic School

2112 S. Greenwood Ave.

Fort Smith, AR 72901

ph. (479) 783 - 7745

fax (479) 783 - 7075


School Address

Arkansas Required Information

1918 S. Greenwood Ave.

Fort Smith, AR 72901

ph. (479) 782-0614

fax (479) 782-1098


4 students with immunization waivers.


Percentage of students with waivers school wide: 1%

Commitment to Protecting Children

The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by Clerics, Church volunteers, or Church workers, please contact the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964 and the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs, Dcn. Matthew A. Glover, (501) 664-0340 ext. 361.


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